Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Pleasures of Autumn

There's something special about fall in Northeast Ohio.
I photographed this picture September 28th of this year.

 Nature's magnificent landscape providing such rich colors to embrace,

The crisp cool air calling out for those cozy wool blankets and the sipping of warm cider.

I add pumpkin pie spice to my cider and warm it up in the microwave. 

 Going to the local orchards for fresh tart apples, corn stalks, mums and searching rows of pumpkins.
Hartford Apple Orchard in Hartford, Ohio.

Visiting craft venues for peppy fall ribbons, spice scented candles, and charming items for the home.

I purchased the crow with pumpkin and candy corns at a local craft store in Vienna, Ohio during their summer clearance sale. I have been collecting fall decorations through the years as I love to decorate for the seasons. It's a great way to make the home inviting. 

I had leftover fall picks, leaves,  and sunflowers from Pat Catan's craft store that I used to make this fall wreath. When making a wreath just simply arrange your fall foliage with wire from a craft store. The thinner the wire the easier it is to work with. You could also make a simple bow with burlap and attach it to your wreath. 

Stacking wood for toasty fires.

My home is an old century home with many drafts. This wood-burner generates a great deal of heat. 

Browsing recipes sites for things such as: apple and pumpkin pies; caramel for apples and popcorn; zucchini and banana breads; and every kind of soup imaginable. 

This is a quick desert and it is crust-less (saving a few calories): Use a can of Libby's pumpkin pie filling (follow directions on can), place the mixed filling in a baking dish and bake following the directions on the can. Partway through baking, top with pecans, and bake for the remainder of time.  When it cools, add whipped cream (I like Reddi Whip). 

 Unpacking sweaters, dress boots, scarves, and flannels. 
My century home doesn't contain many closets and the ones I do have, are tiny. This makes packing away clothes that are out of season a necessity.  I get excited being able to wear my fall/winter clothing as I favor them the most.

One of my favorite ways to spend an Autumn Saturday afternoon is with a great read, warmed cider in my cup, a spice scented candle burning, the fireplace roaring, and looking out the window to see the turned leaves falling to the ground. 
The photo was taken Oct. 2 of this year and  the weather has just started getting chilly, The leaves will be turning real soon.

I am glad for the simple pleasures in life that help to brighten up our days. With cooler temps we tend to spend more time indoors here in Northeast Ohio. That makes for more opportunities to visit with loved ones and enjoy some home-cooked meals. May your home be filled with spicy fragrances,  may you take the time to notice the beauty around you, may you enjoy a cup of  hot cider, may you curl up with a warm blanket while glancing out the window, and may you experience some peace in this rushed and crazy world. 

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