Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mood & Expression; A Child's Perception

Many years ago, when my children were little, something was said on the Oprah show that really impacted me. 
"Do your children see your face light up when they walk into the room?". 

At that time I was a busy mommy. I had two children close together in age (fourteen months), and then a third child right around the time I started homeschooling. I was very involved in  church, entertained regularly having other couples/children over for visits and dinners, and my children were involved in many activities. 

I took my job as mommy very seriously; after all, I was 
shaping the lives of three people
I made sure; we visited the library often, listened to classical music (brain stimulation), had educational posters in plain sight, and took advantage of every teachable moment possible.  It didn't occur to me that in my busyness, I was losing sight of something very important, my 

Taking care of children can be exhausting in and of itself. It can drain you both mentally and physically. I was listening to the Today Show several years ago as Katie Couric was doing a segment on job satisfaction. Those who worked with children seemed to be the unhappiest. Although I thoroughly loved being with my children, at times, it could be exhausting and overwhelming. 
Could being a parent reduce your happiness?
An article in "Good Housekeeping" seems to suggest that it does. Here is the title and link to the article:
Science Proves It: Parenthood Is the Absolute Worst

Although I believe that having children adds to one's happiness;It can place a pull on your stress levels. The segment on the Oprah show made me become aware of something very important; 
"Children Are Mood Detectors"
The expression on Princess Diana's face, speaks volumes. 

"Smile Mom"
I almost couldn't believe my own ears. My little boy, whom I delighted in, glanced into my eyes and told me to "Smile". Yes, children notice when your face lights up to see them. Taking care of yourself, asking for help when you need a break, and getting refreshed (spiritually), can help you deal with the stresses that come with parenting. 
I hope you found this blog to be helpful and to serve as a reminder that children long for parental warmth, admonition, and praise. They crave affection and when they see your face light up to see them, it reassures them of your love. 
So Smile Mom and Smile Some More

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